Monday, September 27, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance!!

If you don't watch So You Think You Can Dance in the summers, then you can't possibly understand the glory that is this show. Meagan and I have watched this since the second season, when we lived together and are still totally addicted to it. I have been known to rewatch dances 5 or 6 times, I save the episodes on my DVR and sometimes I just watch certain dances to cheer me up. This season was AMAZING, because they brought back people from seasons 1-6 as "all-star" dancers and they paired with a new dancer each week. So you not only got a chance to fall in love with some of the new dancers, but you got to see some of your old favorites (Twitch, Neil, Katherine) week after week. Meagan and I decided it was FINALLY time to go to a concert. By the time we made our decision, most of the concert was sold out. We were in section 3, row HHH. As you can see, we were pretty far away.

After the lights went down, we moved closer....there were tons of open seats. Then we experienced 2 hours of true bliss. They redid some of the favorite dances from the season and reworked some of the other dances with people who were actually in the show. My favorite routine was Kent and Lauren (the winner from Season 7)doing the "prom" dance to "Collide" by Howie Day and then going right into a latin dance to "My First Kiss" by 3oh3! Sadly, we were the crazy girls screaming the whole night, but we certainly weren't alone. We didn't get home until midnight, which made going to school the next day a little exhausting, but it was worth it. So in conclusion, if you don't watch this show it's time to start! It's the perfect way to waste hot summer evenings when no other good TV is on and I guarantee you will love it too.

Sorry for the blurry pictures, but it was the best I could do so far away.

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