Tuesday, August 7, 2012

10 Months Old

Dear Alexis-
   I feel like I was just writing your 9 month old post yesterday!  This month has zoomed by in the blink of an eye.  We've been busy, with Mimi up in Dallas part time, and it seems like July was over before it even began.  You have grown leaps and bounds this month and are doing LOTS of new things. I know these letters are lengthy but later on we'll want to look back and remember every detail of our time as we watched you grow up.

Current weight: Around 18 lbs. (no doctor's appointment this month)

-You are eating a combo of baby food and table food, but are getting close to being able to eat just table food.  You love many things and seem eager to try new food if it's something the adults are eating.  You especially love any type of pasta, Cheerios, Gerber Lil' Munchies (we call them cheater cheetos), chicken, salmon, macaroni, strawberries, banana, green beans, yogurt, cheese, toast, and eggs.  I am amazed at all you are eating!

-You are now an expert at crusing and now can walk and stand with one hand, bend over to pick up your toys from the floor and occassionally let go (when Mommy is around).  At times you seem fearless, but really I think you have faith that I will not let anything bad happen to you so you aren't scared to try something if I'm right there to catch you.

-You LOVE music and have started really dancing around this month.  You have a new piano toy that plays music and you know to push the button to play songs, then you will shake and bounce and make sounds like you are singing.  It's so cute!

-You have sprouted 3 new teeth and are working on a fourth in the top center of your mouth.  Right now we are at a total of 5 (soon to be 6) which makes chewing that food a whole lot easier.

-You still fight going to sleep.  You don't want to miss the action.  I relish this time that you still need me at bedtime.  You're independent with so many things and I'm not quite ready to give up this time together yet.  I like to know that you still need my help for some things and helping you wind down is definetely an area you need a little assistance.

-You know lots of commands such as "Get your baby" "Find Mommy" "Come here" "Hold your cup" "Stop" "Open".  You have shown that you know the names of things for a while by looking at them when we refer to them, but now you are getting good at following directions too

-You started calling me Mom...I'm still working on mama because you know how to say it but right now when you want me or I'm out of the room I hear "MOM!" plain as day and when I come into the room or pick you up, your face lights up.  Though you have been saying "words" for a while I don't really count them until you obviously connect it to something.  It took much convincing, but I do think that you know I am "Mama" and "Mom" is your way of calling for me :)  Very exciting!  Your new sounds this month are up and um along with any combination of babbling consonants and vowels.  You make your voice go up and down like you are talking, so it's funny to listen to when you play or ride in the backseat.  It really sounds like you are trying to talk to us.

-You LOVE books.  You will sit on the floor and "read" and flip the pages one at a time, sometimes for 10 minutes or more.  You especially love books with parts you can touch and feel.  The current favorite is "Touch and Feel Baby Animals"...the main characters name is a monkey named Mimi (guess who bought it for you)

-You are crawling on all fours all the time now, but still go to your salamander belly crawl sometimes on our wood floors.  You are wanting to walk so badly and stand so often that you seem to be MUCH more interested in working on that.  You pull up on anything and everything and try to walk around holding on.

-Your seperation anxiety has not gone away yet but you do recognize Mimi enough to stay with her without getting upset.  I am staying patient because you will only need me like this for a short time and I know I will miss it.  I don't like for you to cry unneccessarily and I don't think it's good for you to do that for any length of time, so I am perfectly content working through this with you as you develop the necessary skills to understand I will be back when I leave.  Until then, I'm stuck to you like glue (except for naptime when I enjoy a little "Mommy" rest)

-Daddy is your favorite play buddy now.  You light up when he comes home and you can't WAIT until he changes clothes and scoops you up for playtime. You crack up every day when Daddy makes up new games to play with you.  Just recently we started playing ball and you'll pass the ball back to us or bounce it on the ground.  He puts you up on his shoulders and you ride around banging on his head.  Then you'll lay your head on top of his and it is truly the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

-Your hair is lightening up even more and is looking totally red now.  I guess I will end up with a little redhead after all.  Now if you could only get enough for some cute little pigtails!

Though you grow bigger, smarter and stronger every day, you are still my sweet, little baby.  I take pleasure in each moment that we cuddle and rock, as well as our with our many hours of playtime together.  Your toothy grin melts my heart no matter how many hundreds of times I see it.  Daddy and I love you so much and can't believe in two months you'll be ONE! 

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