Friday, July 13, 2012

Happy Girl

Playtime at the house is one of Lexi's favorite activities.  She likes to crawl all over and have me chase her around.  I'm exhausted by the end of the day.  I sure wish someone gave me a warm beverage twice a day and laid me down for a nap, while a magic cleaning fairy came and did a couple of loads of laundry, washed the dishes and straightened up the daily messes around the house.  Thank goodness Nick swoops in for playtime in the evenings and gives me a little mommy down time!

 It's hard to catch Lexi smiling in a picture because she is always concentrating on whatever she is playing with or zipping off to find something new. I relish the times when she is in a happy mood AND she is content with laying on the ground and letting me take her picture. When the cosmic forces align and both of these events happen at the same time I get cute little pictures like this (complete with droll down the face thanks to the 4 upper teeth she is trying to cut)

 And now you can tell that she is getting tired of getting her picture taken.
 And she's off...

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